"Borderline" featured in the NY Theater Barn New Work Series

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Aryanna and I were lucky to be able to share two songs from our musical BORDERLINE, along with our director Sarna Lapine, as part of the NY Theater Barn’s New Work series! They’ve already featured 50 new musicals in development and we were honored to get to join that line up. We chatted about the origin of the show, and what the process has been like thus far. Plus, we featured two kick ass performances from Micaela Diamond (The Cher Show) and Bryonha Marie Parham (Prince of Broadway).

You can watch the full show here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSBLoNYG5Gs

Our section begins at the 17:00 Minute mark! Thank you to the wonderful Joe Barros and Jen Sandler for having us on!!

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